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Anybody else not seeing Mae's reward when helping with gardening?

What do I press to eat the tiny dust?

se vc esta falando daquele que vc usa no quarto da ana e so vc apertar bem embaixo no meio datela ai seu pau vai aparecer clica nele dnvo e no canto vai aparecer uma opçao escrito tini tower sei la oque clica nela ai seu pau vai diminuir e pronto vc podera comer a xana da ana kkk

Will there ever be an Android version

We only work on PC at the moment

After you finish update the game can you make it android please. And then please fix the arrow click tools in android. I'm beg to you. Sorry for my English 

any discord for dev communication?

Here is our Discord server!

The link are can not use anymore, any new link? 

There's a small bug where if you milk the cows before accepting the ques to to milk them you can't hand over the milk to Anna


will you release an android version someday? i play this game on pc and i love it,  but it would be easier to me to play it on my phone.


It's the best game I've ever played, bro! It has everything you can think of! It can also give you a very good experience! I love it so much, thank you for making it, oh my God, if I had 10 million I would give it all to you, my man, thank you for letting me play such a good game!

How do you get more of theo energy drink ? I can't buy more from him and nothing in the store or the strange dude in the morning at school

This is a quest, you can't buy anything else after completing this quest

ok thx, I guessed we could since there is more option in the event section on our phone... and the scene was pretty cool

I'm having trouble figuring out how to use the training option in your room. Is it timing or is there a way to play it?

How to do the female butter churner


Unfortunately, the game no longer launches on Steam Deck. Previous versions worked fine on Proton Experimental, but the latest version just loads endlessly and nothing happens.

Hy, do you found an workaround? 

Hi, unfortunately not. Proton GE does not work either. Probably the problem is in the updated nwjs. We could try to open an issue on Proton GitHub, but I'm not very familiar with the intricacies of nwjs framework.


Where do I get the android version

Just click on download. It'll redirect you

I click on it and it only shows the pc downloads


Not everything has an android version. Get a shitty cheap laptop if you are that horny and can't afford anything more than a phone

Damn, bro so aggressive with it


I have a pc just that i got no wifi

Hey, so I can't access my previous save. I copied my save from the old version to the new version. Copied it into the WWW folder 

Saves are in the "www/save" folder, check if you have a "save" folder containing your save files rather than them being just in the "www" folder

I do have saves there. I copied my newest save to the new version's "www/save" file. When I started the game it didn't give me the option to "continue"

I figured it out

Could you explain what you did exactly to fix this problem?

I moved the global save file

lost my saves..... anyway to cheat to get ahead?


enable cheats through the phone. then click character events. select the character you want to cheat/modify their points.

The game is only for PC at the moment with a minimum of 2GB free space of RAM. The "Loading stuck" may happen if you play on Android 

the new update 9.1 bug is a endless loading screen bug. 

other than that, the  .9 version will only do loading for a place once. .(for Android)

I encountered this problem, I'm waiting for a fix, I'll look here in a couple of days

I stuck in now loading

don't download 0.9.1. it's a endless loading bug. 

if you're too deep in game then gg😔 or just restart with previous 0.9 apk

Does anyone know how to trigger the Stage 11 (Bullied) of Emmi, it says that can be found Afternoon After Class in the Student Toilet, but I cant find any events in any of the 4 toilets in the school, It's locked for the latest update or I need to go in a specific hour.

I also noticed that there is a gap in the progress of stage 10 (24) and 11 (27), is there a middle stage between this stages that doesn't shows in the events screen?

please is there a way to get out of now loading screen. 

i updated the game to 9.1 and my saves are stuck on now loading for literal hours

it's a bug. reinstall 0.9. happened with me and there's no way to come out of it


I'm stuck at "now loading" whenever I go to aunt daisies farm, basically can't sleep or dream and not just daisies farm also in the pool, please help 

In the new 2.9 version how do you fix the bug where when you save the game and close it off it'll delete the saved game

You need to extract the game first by using WinRar or 7 Zip

ohh okay thanks

Their is a save bug where your save file gets deleted from the game. the file is still there in the WWW folder but is incompatible.


You need to copy the save folder in the old version and paste it into the www folder on the new version

Deleted 1 year ago

Where Tuuku Shop?

I have the same question, help plz!


He's at the School Entrance in the morning in the upper right corner


when i approach him. only question mark pops up. then nothin.  glitch ? 


Is anyone having the same problem as I have? I can't seem to open the mega file.

for me when I try to open it, it says: The code execution cannot proceed because nw_elf.dll was not found.Reinstalling the program may fix this problem.


how to get full screen


Bagaimana membuka handphone di game daily lives of my countryside?





(1 edit)

So I've gone 3 in game months without triggering the Halloween event. What's needed to trigger it? I'm on android 0.2.9 if that helps. 

(2 edits)

If i remember correctly if you check the phone and go to character events for Aunt Daisy and check if you have completed the event for the lady box (it is highlighted in yellow). if you have completed it then the event should start automatically near the end of the month.

It should also tell you if there is another step or event needed to complete the lady box.

date : 30

book ladybox via phonecall in morning(at 6-7 am)

then receive the package by going to 1st floor

give daisy the package at 9pm

but phone call doesnt have that option . only shop ? 

(1 edit)

How do I complete the anna studying part 2? The red bar always finishes first. Nevermind, I did it while taking away 3 hrs of my life

how can i get the v 0.2.9 ? it says updated today but the latest version is here... plss tell me


patreon, probably

Is the new android version available on subscribestar?

There's an android version?

Idk how to make Laundry Quest Seccesfuly failed. Any ideas, tips?

Grab the clean clothes on her bed to fail it successfully

Will we have a Mac version in the future?

the game needs a task guide. I'm stuck wandering around trying to figure out what to do!

If you use the phone you can see which events are in the game. That helped me figure out what I was supposed to do for most of the game. I do agree though that with the broken English the game can be very confusing

What to do?

I tried the wall training, after clicking the Level 1 and the training starts, I pressed all the button on my keyboard but nothing seems to work...


i am sure that the key is "enter" or "space"

una pregunta alguien sabe como se ace en movil

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